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Almost all of that was flat out bullshit. And Jaguar was NOT 64 bit. It was 4x 16 bit processors in parallel. Bits do not scale this way. Blast processing was BS, as was the claim from Nintendo that the SNES was true 16 bit. Toy Story Graphics, really?

And RRRRIIIIIDDDGGEEE RRRAAACCERRRR was just an example of trying to spin lukewarm reception into something other than a total embarrassment. Kinda like Reggie did in the interview. "Looks better" is a matter of opinion, but comparing the shots the WiiU version looks sharper than the PS3 version. It looks washed out by comparison, but I think it looks better "washed out". I don't know how the game performs in motion because I don't own it, and if I did I'd get the PC version.

Point is, he's just doing his job.

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