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That has to be the nightmare scenario right there. In a world where we don't necessarily trust our own governments that we elect into office. How much faith would you place in a company that can basically hold a game you bought hostage. That they will always do the honorable thing. They will just interpret purchases as licensed rentals, and as such they will reserve the right to revoke your license. I just don't see gamers placing that much faith in the cloud as a end all and be all.

We will always demand hardware, and property that we can physically hold. Whether it is a game disc, or stored in a storage device that we own. Do you seriously expect gamers to forfeit their property rights. Bloody wars have erupted at the mere suggestion. That said console generations will probably end once we hit hard limits on the power of technology, and there are hard limits on technology.

Gamers will probably be using portable memory units that can store their entire software collections, and almost every screened device will have the hardware built in to play those games. I just don't see gamers relinquishing the act of actually owning their games.