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pezus said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:

PCs have the latest graphics games but it comes at a huge cost. Annual upgrades are needed in order to play the latest PC games on the highest graphic setting. Consoles have to make do with the same specifications for an entire generation around 7 years. A PC gamer will have to make annual upgrades mainly graphic cards and possibly a second PC rig within the same 7 year time period. With unlimited funds PC gaming is much better than console gaming. 

Who says you have to play every game at max? Even games at medium now look significantly better than their console counterparts.

While that is true you do get a lot of random slow down if you don't have the gpu that the game is made with. I can play most games at 1080p looking better then their console versions, but now and then the frame rate tanks to 10fps or lower and I have to go into the graphics settings to turn random stuff off temporarily or even lower the resolution. It's pretty annoying when everything runs fine for an hour until you get into a heavy fight in an area with heavy fog and you have to quit back to the settings and usually restart the game to be able to continue.
On consoles you can be assured of a baseline performance all the way through and not worry about settings.

I do wish consoles had certain graphics options though, like turning off motion blur and depth of field effects during gameplay. Heavy bloom can go too imo.