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Here is a question...I'm not trying to rant about Sony, just asking for your opinion.

Their exclusive games take an eternety to come out. Killzone 2 was shown almost 3 years ago and the damn thing looked finished. No one in their right mind could have guessed it would take another 4 years (atleast) to come out. 

Its almost like they tend to announce a game, in order to hype everybody up and show us some CGI footage, and then go ask a studio to make it. 

Like God of War3. Why did they bother announcing that? We all know it will come out in 2029...

I personally think PS2 is to blame. They have a huge userbase for that system and it is still making them money.  They have had their big studios and other companies still making games for PS2 when PS3 came out. (god of war 2, Final Fantasy). Now PS2 support is dying but damage has already been done.

In comparison Microsoft just ditched the xbox and went straight to 360 the day it came out. Nintendo let the gamecube die without shedding a tear. I think PS2 is to blame for PS3's lack of software...