Troll_Whisperer said: I am gonna respond directly to the OP, even though I realise this thread is old. You base the whole thread on the notion of exchange rates and costs, so I think there are two points that invalidate this theory. 1. The fact that the yen is so high means less income per unit, yes. But at the same time it means cheaper imports. Since it seems like the PS4 will be made with off the shelf PC components from outside of Japan they will save as much percentage-wise as they will lose when selling the unit. It won't be manufactured in Japan either. 2. Much of what made PS3 so expensive was the exotic technology. Blu ray and Cell must have represented over half the cost. That problem should be gone. I think Sony will avoid taking too much of a loss this time, but they can (and probably will) still make a much more powerful console than ghe WiiU. Not saying that Nintendo won't win the gen again though, it may well happen. |
Yes, when I made this prediction we hadn't heard the rumor that it would be manufactured elsewhere, so you might very well be right that it won't be too expansive to make.
I'm still on the fence whether or not it'll be much more powerful than Wii U; it's the only way Sony can go really. They can't make a cheap console on par with Wii U, because then, they'll receive the same ports of equal quality, and considering Nintendo has Nintendo games PS4 would be screwed. But I don't think they can go toe to toe with MS either; MS has waaay too much money to let Sony be the most powerful console next gen. So Sony is in a pickle right now. I'm most interested in seeing Sony next gen, because they're right in between Nintendo and MS.... Which way will they go?
I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!
Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.