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Soundwave said:
__XBrawlX__ said:
People can debate which console Call of Duty looks better on, and the video, but there are 2 really simple points to take from this:

1) Even if the WiiU version looks better, it is by such a small margin that it is barely even noticeable, even debatable if it is or not, so saying "drastically improved" was indeed a false claim, like it or not. It's just PR.

2)The reporter is also incorrect in saying the WiiU is simply "on par" with the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The WiiU just hit the market, the tech is 6 years newer than the 7th gen twins, and its unfair to say that a direct port of one game at launch represents all that the WiiU is capable of. She attempted to downplay the console, so Reggie had to come right back at her, even if it meant stretching the truth/lying. What else could he do?

Maybe have said exactly what you said in the second point. Which still may not even be correct, but it was a hell of a lot better (we're on 1st gen Wii U games, we'll see better stuff later) than flat out lying.

It may be better in terms of you or me having a discussion about the WiiU's power here on the forums, but how would it look if the President of Nintendo of America agreed with what she was saying about the brand new console his company is depending on to succeed. Even if he explained what I just said in my second point (Which I most definitely believe to be true) it would be a weak response. He needed to come back at her strong, because bottom line is, the man gets paid to make Nintendo look good, and to most people who would see that, without being completely informed will believe it. It was probably the most effective thing he could do. I'm not saying its what he should've done from my view point, but if you were in his position, it would be very hard to say, that when faced with a statement like that about your company's new product, that you wouldn't snap right back with whatever you could, to try and save face.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits