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Panama said:
SirPainsalot said:

I need to know why people are making a big deal out of this.

You have to express confidence in your product, you can't say "well it looks similar on the other consoles"
It's seriously like the first time people have heard of PR talk... The overreaction is killing me.

There's confidence, then there's flat out lying to the consumer. Listen to his comment in the video about side by side comparison, then look at some of those very comparisons and discern for yourself whether the Wii U versions look better. Granted it's a result of poor ports, but he's still lying.

He was already put into a corner by the question "Are you concerned if the Wii U will be a generation behind?" (no clue how CNN got a question like that btw) or something to that effect.

Should he avoid the graphics-concerned question, he'll look like a chump either way.

He lied for the sake of PR. This is never uncommon, and for all we know he really believes that based on what the higher-ups say. Typical advertising.