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Dmick90 said:
riderz13371 said:
Dmick90 said:
riderz13371 said:
Chris Hu said:

I guess you never heard of Black Friday.  Also the only store that had is for super cheap was Walmart at $15 not $14.99.  Furthermore the game is doing fine it already sold over 600K units in four weeks.  Which is great for a spin off, something you probably never heard of either.

Lol are you attacking the person who posted this? I hope you realize he didn't write the article...

There's a thing called black friday, don't know if you guys ever heard of it... Doesn't matter if he wrote the article or not, if he didn't agree with it he woudn't have posted it. He's a Sony fanboy and posted this article with the intent to inflame people. Racing games in general aren't very popular, and Forza Horizon is doing really well for being a niche open world racing simulator. Forza Motorsport is a better game in my opinion compared to GT5. Forza has more realistic car damage, car sounds are better, more options in terms of customization, more vivid backgrounds, more active and supportive Xbox live community, more DLCs, and Forza had night racing way back in Forza 1. It's just an all around better game.

I'm not sure as to how you think that it has a much more supportive community considering Forza 4 has sold 2.5m and GT5 has sold over 9m...? As for the night time racing, I could care less about the past games. Forza 4 does not have night time racing and thats the end of that discussion. The amount of DLC and patches GT5 has receieved has made the game above and beyond that of it's other driving game competitors. Theres a reason it's looked at as the Real Driving Simulator. It's just an all around better game. =P

What do sales have to do with a supportive community? I'm speaking in regards to Xbox Live. IMO Live offers a better online experience in terms of DLCs, Co-op, exclusive content, demos, arcade games, etc. Sales don't make a game great.

You do realize Gran Turismo has 8 years on the Forza franchise right? Obviously they have sold more. And i'm not disrespecting the GT series, they paved the way but Forza offered something new and different to the table, and people are jumping ship from the GT camp.

I just want to say that I'm not one to bring up sales but Gran Turismo has been selling about 10 mill each installment since its introduction


So I'm not sure if that 8 years thing is significant