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PC is the best console, always has been always will be. The reason we prefer console though is cause of the games. Consoles have better games. Every good PC game ever (even Minecraft) makes it to console someday. The only exceptions is mmorpgs , like Wow and mobafire.

Console exclusives stay exclusive though therefore consoles are more successful. But if you can play PC go ahead, its a great platform i prefer playing games on PC now days, the only exception are games like COD and Battlefield (although i have BF3 for PC) not because the games themselves are better on consoles, quite the opposite actually, but because there are no cheaters.

I'm 0% hyped on next gen though, so if nothing changes my mind, i will probably skip on consoles for the first time ever and go 100% PC next gen. Every game except for the exclusives are coming out for everything now days and the console exclusives, with the exception of Halo don't last more than 15 hours or so, i got many friends, so i can probably get away with playing on their consoles.