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There just seems to be too many problems to this. It seems to me making a single box opens a can of worms we might not be ready for. 

Take a look at cell phones.  Cell phones are the opposite direction of where your idea came from.  Cell phones started out in mind of wireless communication.  From that idea came Samsung, Nokia, LG, HTC, Motorola, Apple, Sony, Microsoft, etc... 

And look how great that ended up.  A new apple Iphone every year with cost up to $500. 

Now let's apply that with Consoles.  This years model of the Box is featuring dot, dot, dot, dot.  Well, so many manufacturers are producing the same box, but of course Nokia is starting to get into the box selling business as well.  Why not, if each box is standard, then why not LG get into it, too.  Now that all Devs are making games for any system.

Then Apple sees the big pie, and as an edge, next years model is the I-console.  It does everything different from what console does now.  Why not charge people $500 dollars for this model.  Hell, devs don't care, they games still get sold.  Then next year, because Samsung can't get left behind, they create the Galaxy console.  They're expecting us to pay $599 for this model. 

Now, these brand new console makers try to up-end their customers by having console specific games.  They're not developing the games, but game devs are being paid extra to make it exclusive.  Why not, how else do you stand out from other console makers.  

There will be trade-ins, and upgrades, and contracts, and console commercial, after console commercial, after phone commercial, after console commercial.  Pimping out the game devs games.  

All culminating to World Console War like we've never seen it before. 

"Apple is the better Console maker."

"No, Samsung's console is better."

"You LG fanboy.  LG has nothing on this year's model of the I-console."

Point to the scenario above is that, while it would be great to house all developers, there's no such thing as no competition.  In an open sea, there are always going to be sharks.