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I remember hearing that Nintendo's strategy was to start out a console with hit after hit of AAA 1st party games to drive sales through the roof, then lay off a bit and let 3rd parties sell games on the popular console so they can make a profit. If Nintendo keeps releasing AAA games every quarter 3rd parties will leave the Wii, tired of being cast in shadow and tired of being compared to games with much more polish.

Do you know how hard it would be to make a game that stands out on a Nintendo machine at this point. In 2006 there was Twilight Princess, which won GOTY for the Wii. In 2007 there was hype and praise for Prime, and then SMG swept the overall GOTY category (the only other games remotely considered to be on par with SMG for GOTY were on non-Nintendo systems). And now we are in '08 with Brawl and Kart coming up in the 1st half alone. How do you compete with that? If Nintendo keeps this up top tier 3rd party game will avoid the Wii like a plague.

Imagine if you spend millions of hours of hard work and make a painting that is better than every other painting in the world... except the Mona Lisa. Would you rather put your painting right down the hall from the Mona Lisa and forever be in its shadow, or would you rather put it in some other huge museum and get the VIP treatment and praise from everyone that sees you?