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I think it is quite apparent given Sony's recent acquisitions. That they have no intention of ever releasing another console into the market. Firstly they don't have the capitol to launch another console. Conservatively speaking it would cost the company upwards of a billion dollars up front for just the initial run. Even if they could muster the cash to make a go of it. They couldn't afford the losses on their quarterly statements. Investors won't care why Sony is in the red. They will just care that it is still in the red. Which will lead to a massive devaluation on the stocks as investors try to get out.

Secondly Sony acquired a cloud gaming service, and there is no reason to be buying a competing product. Unless that is the model they intend to go with for gaming. Whether it would work or not is somewhat immaterial. What matters is the overhead on such a strategy is lower then consoles. With far less associated risk. If it fails Sony can just sell off the servers, and port their software to other platforms. They would lose some money, but not as much as they would if a new console venture failed. Which might not just lose them money, but actually speed the demise of the company.

Thirdly Sony is upping its investment in mobile devices. Hey cloud gaming and mobile devices kind of go together. Is anyone seeing a trend here. I am not saying its all brilliant, but at least there is a coherent train of thought here. Once again mobile devices have a lower overhead then consoles.

Fourthly Sony is liquidating game studios like it is going out of style, and they aren't replacing them. They aren't buying new studios, building new studios, or expanding existing studios. While Microsoft is doing the exact opposite. You have to see that doesn't make any sense. Unless they aren't going to be responsible for balancing out a library, or attracting new customers with exclusives. Which they wouldn't have to do with mobile gaming or cloud gaming.

I mean everything points to no new console coming.