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 iFlower7 posted

Iwata Interview - Wii Shortages, Game Development, WiiWare, 3rd Parties

a few days ago.  It got some response but the part that I think needs more chat about is the italics part: 



The interview:

Wii shortages:
...I'm sad to say that last year, production couldn't even keep up with Japan, US, and Europe's demands. The scarcity of Wii units in the US and Europe is particularly serious. This is a result of not being able to build up stock at all over the summer due to the consistently active demand for the Wii throughout the year. If we had branched out into new markets under these circumstances, we wouldn't have been able to meet demand. That's why the expansion into new regions will take place this year...

...Nintendo will work hard to ensure we increase production of the Wii...


Now Wii Fit is a new market that should do well.  But new "regions" sounds like new countries to me.  India?  China?  If successful there, John L could be right about the 60M LTD by end fiscal 08. 

Also as an aside, he basically stated that production would be increased this year.

GS: Do you have any specific plans for timing and which regions you'll be marketing to?

SI: We feel that it's better for the sales regions, release dates, and other details to be announced directly in those local markets, so they'll be unveiled locally one by one. One thing I will say, though, is that the year's end is the busiest period for video game products, and the time when the most units are moved. Should the timing coincide, it will be difficult for production to meet the initial demands succeeding the launch, so it will hopefully happen earlier in the year.

Perhaps stockpiling didn't go to Japan for the SSBB launch.  But for another launch that we haven't been told about.


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.