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It's because people aren't deep anymore. They watch TV series and spend hours and hours on blogs viewing and commenting on totally meaningless junk that has no real impact on their lives. My parents used to regularly spend the day at the library simply reading. How many people today have the patience to read a book?

Smartphones are just as guilty. Totally FRYING up your brain by giving you the opportunity to 'browse' and 'just have a look' at every point in time. What happened to mental gravity? GONE. Self control? GONE.

How about spending some time gardening instead of commenting on useless things on facebook. Bah. We are devolving fast.

There is too much emphasis on quick access to information. People are becoming less knowledgeable DUE to having 'the world at their fingertips' 24/7. Better learn to plant some vegetables than spending hours and days salivating over a new phone that will be old news in a few months time.

Good topic.