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Vinniegambini said:
Kuramakun said:
Vinniegambini said:
How much do you think the Wii U will sell week 1 in the United States? I'm thinking between 650,000 - 800,000 units. Just for the sake to show the press and investors that the Wii U sold better than the Wii its first week! What do you guys think?

I think You're about right, I'd bet around the same Hopefully it hits a million.

BTW You play FFXIV I assume? Did you play on the Last day of 1.0 closing? I can't wait for ARR!! I loved 1.0 But it din't have so much content.

I used to play FXIV and was even one of the few customers who bought it a launch and I can tell you boy do I regreat it -_- However, I have now pre-ordered it for PS3 the 2.0 version as it really looks better and might I add that the ending of 1.0 was A M A Z I N G!

I bought the collectors edition of FFXIV and regretted it immensely, I never even logged in again during the whole year plus of free play.