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d21lewis said:

I have a gut feeling that we won't see a fourth Playstation Home console until 2015.  Partly due to the fact that the PS3 still has the potential to wow us with its graphics.  Partly because of Sony's financial status and how expensive it is to launch a new console.  Partly because of some other third thing (Spongebob movie reference).  I think Sony is going to be extremely late to the party.  You?

Yes, Sony will be late to the party but I think many people seem to be getting ahead of themselves in thinking that, "releasing a console late is a bad idea". When the PS3 launch it had several factors going against it:

1. The PS3 had a horrible psn service. I mean it was just downright awful. The user interface was bad, you couldn't send messages "in-game", and there was no trophy support etc. 2. The price of the PS3 console was ludicrous. Paying £500/$600 for a console is unacceptable. If I remember correctly, the 3DO had a similar price tag back in the early 1990's and became a failure. 3. Cell. Yes the cell which powered the PS3 was difficult to work with and thus deprived the PS3 from potentially producing out a huge volume of games in the early going. 4. Loss of major franchises. The PS3 lost some of the biggest franchises that had been exclusive to the PS2. Final Fantasy, GTA, Tekken, Street Fighter and the new Assassin's Creed were originally meant to be PS3 exclusives.  Provided that the PS4 "delivers" on its promise then it should be a major success. Even more so than the PS1 and PS 2.