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d21lewis said:

I have a gut feeling that we won't see a fourth Playstation Home console until 2015.  Partly due to the fact that the PS3 still has the potential to wow us with its graphics.  Partly because of Sony's financial status and how expensive it is to launch a new console.  Partly because of some other third thing (Spongebob movie reference).  I think Sony is going to be extremely late to the party.  You?

dude, dev kits are already out the door.  late 2013 to early 2014 is gaurented.  you don't put dev kits out the door 2 years in advanced.  sony's financial status won't delay a launch.  R&D costs are sunk. it is more expensive to play an R&D department to not make products and not have anything to sell than to launch a product.  ps3 sales are going to tank over the next year and the losses in revenues with sony's financial status will force them to release earlier not later.


i hope late 2013 -- basically 1 year to the day after wiiU's launch.  if they don't get it out until early 2014 i think sony will conceed to 3rd place next gen and probably my a bigger margin than the ps3's couple million off of the 360.