I forgot what I was going to say :(
Anyway: look at this link http://vgchartz.com/swlaunch.php?reg1=All&game1=Final+Fantasy+VII+-+PS®2=All&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=All&game3=&weeks=100
I know FFVII is only Japan, but that is where half it's sales are. Anyway, who has better legs? It took Galaxy 7 weeks to outsell FFVII. From that on, FFVII increased its sales by 1/6 over 55 weeks, and SMG did over 7 weeks increase by 2/3...
Look at SMG in America, the only market it isn't close to SMS. I'm going by months.
November: 3rd place. Beaten by a game that was out for twice the time in that month, and one that was out trice the time.
December: Best seller.
January: Best seller.
3rd, 1st and 1st, not bad, huh?
It didn't do that good in Japan. 3rd in November, 5th in December and 9th in January.
Compared to SMS: July: 1st. August: 4th. September: 8th. October: 13th.
They have about equal drops, but more people buy games nowadays, so the total will be slightly higher for SMG.
It does have better legs than SMS: http://vgchartz.com/swlaunch.php?reg1=Japan&game1=Super+Mario+Sunshine+-+GC®2=Japan&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=Japan&game3=Super+Mario+64+-+N64&weeks=20&weekly=1
Why do I even bother?
That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS