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KBG29 said:
Not one of these companies is ever leaving the gameing industry, and no ther companies will ever enter the console hardware market on a standalone product. A one console future is inevatble if the industry wants to survive. The only real question is when does this occur, and what plays out in the mean time? The most likely scenario is that Nintendo will merge with Sony at the end of this generation. They don't want to compete on a technological level anymore, and it is in their best intrest to stay out of the hardware side of things. At this point I see one more generation of MS vs. Sony before we go to a single standard. This is were the games will really begin. A sigle format with boxes made by all of the CE companies of the world. This is the future Jaffe and DD have talked about. The only sensable direction for gaming to go.

Imagine, no more console wars, just games. Innovation has no ends, and to thouse that dissagree please explain. Why would it have been imposible for innovation on a single platform this gen? If Blu-ray would have been the face of Music, Movies, and Games for this generation, what would have stopped innovation?

Here is how it works:

-A Gaming Organization is formed. (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Actavision, THQ, Ubisoft, etc.)
-They come up with a single standard for the hardware. (A minimum for all players power, input/outport requirments, Online, etc.)
-CE companies produce the machines in the same way they make DVD or Blu-ray players.(great profits for the hardware guys)
-All publishers/devs create for one platform, making all games optimized to their fullest.(Saves costly ports, high quality games, more risks)

If this was the case everyone would win. Say that console supported any type of wireless input. What is stoping Nintendo from packaging a motion controller in with a game the likes of Wii Sports? Nothing. No were would anyone ever say, no you can not put out this working game with a working controller on this open platform. Innovation would not die on an open platform, that is the exact opposite of the real outcome. Were this to happen innovation would thrive greater than ever before.

In conclusion, Microsoft and Nintendo will leave the Harware buisness. Samsung, Toshiba, Sony, LG, Panasonic, Pioneer, etc. will all manufactur a common gaming platform. More companies will create software, and everyone will profit.

 And then Nintendo no longer hascontrol of the hardware.

I.e (in the mainstream , in the current gen)

No motion control

No touch screens 

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