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The line of "they are used to it in past 2 gens" doesn't fly with me.

It's true (but hardly that true considering on release they both were the most powerful around in terms of 3D output, just to cover my ass for any fussy Saturn fans)

...regardless, true or not. PS3s been on the market for 6 years or so now and the majority of fans who had PS2s and now own a PS3 were still shitting their pants when they owned a PS2 and didn't know what a CPU was let alone that the one in the PS2 ran at 333Mhz and the Xbox ran at 733Mhz (something like at least).

It's only been with THIS generation that the whole technical specifications has been constantly bought up over and over.

Bear in mind the internet and "fanboys" have only really taken over the internet this gen, as opposed to staying in the school playground...

...Too many variables are different to call and certainly too many to single in on...

..."They are used to have the weakest console", attitudes are different and life is different in the console world where specifcation is everything.

Look how quickly people jumped on the Wii-U and it's "underpowered" hardware....oh yeah who created that thread...Turkish - a PS3 fan, coincidence? Maybe, but it makes my argument sound good :p