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i didn't give you my permission to leave

sales2099 said:
Should be multiplat and next gen at this point.

You said 3 things:

they should go mutliplat. check and mate with Persona 4 which outsold xbox jpgs and im NOT sorely talking about P4 sales rather showing 360's weakness which renders the argument mute.

the hype died. the reposnses in this thread and very thread and article based on mere rumors say otherwise. also Diablo3 is a good example of how alleged dev limbo can work out

they should go next gen. here's my big check and mate i was holding for the end: Agnis freaking philosophy. why on earth will they WASTE the tremendous 5 year effort that is Versus essentially with an "upscaled" version of Crystal Tools for the PS4 when they already work on a proper engine for the next gen ? what do you honestly propose they scrapped 5 years of work and develop the game on different engine because halo 4 is out ?


Yes, I am an ass but you insisted on something you obviously don't give a sh*t about out of spite.