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I don't want a special franchise back, but I loved to see new
- LucasArts adventures (like Monkey Island series, Day of the Tentacle)
- Sierra adventures (like the different Quest series)
- Westwood Adventures (like Kyrandia series)
made by the same talented people as back then. Like Ron Gilbert. Just in different companies (Sierra & Westwood are just brand names today, LucasArts are not interested in a revival of their IPs as point & click adventures, let alone creating new ones).

Those were the days when I admired US games. Not that the US games of today are any bad, but the the creators nowadays seem to be more interested in violence, hipness and machismo and their games lack of humour and real suspense. In search for humour and originality in videogames I switched from US PC games to Japanese VG years ago.

So many European companies tried (and still try) to make games that feel like the early 90s US adventures, so many failed. In the end they're just imitations (some are quite good, at least). And the US companies unfortunately don't even care.

We need a "Bioware" for point & click adventures (they revived western RPGs with Baldur's Gate).