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Probably opening up a can of worms with this one, but here goes: 

So I was browsing Tech Report this evening and saw that the Friday Night Topic was "Wii!" TR is a PC hardware review site, so the crowd it attracts is quite obviously PC gamers. Their FNTs are no strangers to flame wars, but I couldn't help but notice as I read the other responses that not a single one was flaming the Wii. Every last poster who played the Wii had positive things to say about it.

I just thought that would be an interesting piece of data for our members who feel that VGChartz is too Nintendo-biased. I am not calling out anyone in particular, because I don't want this to be flamebait (though I do expect and welcome dissenting opinions). I also realize that this is but one example and there are so far only 16 replies to the topic in question. What do you all make of this?