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I believe you are confusing the number of people that use Live with the number of people that pay for the premium service. That said twenty million is probably more realistic. Further more most of those accounts probably don't pay sixty dollars a year. I sure as hell don't pay that. I let my Gold membership expire routinely, because I know that Microsoft is going to make me a dirt cheap offer when I go back to Silver. I usually end up paying one or two dollars a month.

My mother didn't raise a fool. The only pain about it is having to go on their slow as shit website to turn off the automatic renewal. Which automatically turns back on every time you resubscribe to Gold. It is a really big gripe of mine. I should be able to turn that off on my console, and I should be able to opt out of automatic renewal when buying the plan. They are basically betting on people forgetting to turn automatic renewal off, and in the long run that is going to piss people off.

I agree with another poster though in that Live is starting to slip. Microsoft needs to start providing its own original content, and more dynamic community experiences. Otherwise newer technologies are going to make their service entirely redundant. Except for hardcore first person shooter enthusiasts.