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I don't go to the gym and I used to do that in the past. But when I'm looking for a cardio workout, I don't like to do it indoors. I'd rather be jogging or running outside. I can go biking, or hiking and enjoy nature. Hard to do that when I'm in my living room staring at a TV while on the floor.

If I want to lift weights, of course I do it indoors. Not many of us are blessed with weather that allows us to lift weights outside.

So you are saying that I should pay $100 (or whatever it will cost for the game) plus the $250 + tax for a Wii, just so I can do exercises that I can do on my floor right now! Wow! Where do I sign up for that deal? When I referred to the "real thing" I was talking about the cardio workout that getting out and running/jogging/biking can do for you. It's pretty high impact to try to jog in place on a floor, when you have something low impact like biking.

I brought up the TV and couch at home because you are still paying attention to the TV and if you get discouraged for a moment, you can take a break in the middle of your exercise and give up after a couple minutes instead of completing it. I will agree and concede that wiifit is trying to push some good things by making those normally a couch potato to be active. But the ones who will get and use this game consistently will not be the couch potatoes and inactive people. It will be those who may actually go to a gym, or have workout tapes and use them.

And the purpose of exercise is not to consistently stomp your previous best. Eventually you will hit a wall and if you try too hard you could overexert yourself and cause injury. Not exactly a good thing to do. ;)


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.