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I agree with Corey. 4A Games is too small of a studio. They even said that just developing for PS3 was "enough effort as it is". The Wii U supposedly has an Out of Order CPU architecture compared to In-Order of PS3/360 and that would mean a significant effort to recode Metro Last Light specifically for the Wii U. As I said, even with 70 Million Xbox 360 owners, Metro 2033 didn't even sell more than 450,000 copies in 2 years.....ouch!! It's doubtful such a small developer could justify porting Metro Last Light and optimizing for it in such a short time frame before launch early next year.

As a side-note, there is a real explanation why some Wii U games look decent and run better than their PS3/360 versions while others like Mass Effect 3 and Batman AC exhibit frame rate issues and lag.

Here is list of games that are developed by their original developer team for the Wii U port and a list of games that outsourced their Wii U development.

The games that have been outsourced to a 3rd party and not ported by the main developer to the Wii U (Batman AC, Mass Effect 3, etc.) are all the ones that look worse, exhibiting frame rate issues on the Wii U. Why am I not surprised?

Bethesda has had major issues with porting Skyrim to PS3. This isn't new. When the developer puts little time to optimize for the hardware, doesn't have enough resources to do it properly or simply does a shoddy port (GTA IV or Dark Souls to the PC), the end result is poor performance/sub-par graphical characteristics, such as flickering shadows and missing textures.