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Play4Fun said:
Turkish said:
oni-link said:
Turkish said:
oni-link said: knew this site was full of anti-Nintendo fanatics like Turkish, VGking etc...but I didn't know it was this rampant!!! I'll wait for a full analysis of the system before jumping the gun. I take it that the term "no one is saying Wii U is not more powerful than PS360...the question is how much" that these people hide behind is thrown out the window b/c of some presumed RAM speed (what the heck). Never mind that the Wii U has better latency, more eDRAM, double the amount of RAM or a better GPU or even CPU. Well I am totally happy with my Wii U, which seem to outperform both PS360 on CoD: BO 2 on the videos that are currently making rounds on the web right now.

You can read Digital Foundrys review.

I did and found it bull$hit similar to how Patcher has been ranting about the Wii U from the beginning.  Honestly, basing the capability of a system based on launch ports from the sub-HD twins (PS3 can't even render BO 2 in standard HD) is quite lunacy!!!

Not only launch ports, look at ZombiU, does that game look good to you? Just watched the IGN review, sorry graphics are mediocre.

ZombiU? oh, you mean that game that started on PS360, was moved to Wii U and then was changed mid-development from Killer Freaks to ZombiU.

Yes, it's strange to me that it doesn't have amazing graphics as well, especially when it was mostly developed on ever-changing, unfinalised dev-kits.


Not jsut that but the developers themselves said they were focusing on the survival horror part of the game and not the graphics.  I am pissed of abut it, but that is the choice they made.