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To answer your question (from the Vita Thread), Super Mario 3D Land is entirely built for 3DS. It has bit-sized levels compared to 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy series. Plus, they are each built for speed-runs for each level unlike the console levels, this is expanded by sharing your times with those you meet via Streetpass. Also, 3D Land isn't as "open" and is more in closed with levels and Mario doesn't have all his techniques from the 3D games (like his triple jump). How you finish a level is also different. Instead of collecting Stars, you have to reach a flagpole like you do in 2D Mario games. There are no hidden levels or hidden passages like other 3D Mario games.

It's basically a combination between 2D Mario and 3D Mario, which fits perfectly for a handheld title.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3