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42.Star Ocean: Til the End of Time (2003)

Dropping all the way from 22; is this great sci-fi RPG. My favorite game from the Star Ocean series, it has an interesting mix of standard fantasy fare and sci-fi as you're dropped from the stars onto less developed planets.  This was the first game I played with an item creation mechanic and was always excited to see what new items I might be able to invent.  The battle system was close enough to what I was used to that having to keep track of character positioning didn't turn into to big of a deal.  I really loved the story, which presents a fantastical world view that one could only dream of being true.  In addition the battle trophies were my first introduction to any sort of achievement system and provided neat little challenges (beating a boss without taking damage on accident halfway through the game still confuses me).

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think.