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Does Kid Icarus count as a console series? Seeing how it hasn't had a console iteration since the NES? Because that's the only retail 3DS game I own.

As for DS games I bought to play on my 3DS, I have Pokémon White 2 (iteration of a handheld game!), MegaMan Zero Collection (MegaMan was originally a console IP, but the Zero games are all handheld games, so...?), Trauma Center: Under the Knife, and maybe another I forgot about.

I also have a few eShop games -- Pushmo, Mighty Switch Force, Sakura Samurai.

And upcoming games I'll be buying include Fire Emblem (not sure what you want to consider that) and Monster Hunter (more a portable series than console now, but it is an enhanced port of Tri for Wii, so I dunno). And I'm eying more eShop games, including Mutant Mudds, Denpa Men, Crashmo, Ketzal's Corriders, and Liberation Maiden, at least. All of those are original IP excepting Crashmo, obviously a handheld series. Ah! And the whole Shantae series. Gotta get me those, including the recently announced eShop one. That's a handheld IP.