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In 2013-2014 when PS4, next Xbox launch, I'll go out and spend $2,000 on GTX790 SLI, pair it with my $1,000 6-core Intel CPU and laugh at all the outdated "next-generation consoles" with their puny cheap components and inferior graphics. Then I'll go out and buy next generation Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption, Halo, Forza, Zelda, God of War games and enjoy them in full glory on my $25,000 4K Sony HDTV .........oh wait, I can't because PC doesn't have those games, no matter how much $ I spend. 

Moral of the story: I buy consoles for the games, not specs. I can't play Zelda or Mario or Uncharted games even if I spend $2K on top-of-the-line PC (unless I pirate the games and use emulators). Without great games, even the most powerful console will seem unattractive - PS Vita anyone? The Dreamcast was a lot more powerful graphically and hardware wise at release compared to anything on the market and it flopped. Lets not forget that N64 was more powerful than PS1 and yet it was a far less popular console despite superior graphics, performance. With great/unique exclusive games, even average graphics are forgivable because the gameplay draws you into the game/story, etc.  

The truth is, those gamers who aren't interested in 1st party Nintendo games are better off skipping the Wii U because cross-platform games will look better and run faster on PS4/Next Xbox or PC for that matter. As a PC gamer who will buy a next generation console(s), I can say right now that I will play a total of 0 cross-platform next generation games on a next gen console because every single multi-platform game will look and run way better on the PC. For me consoles are all about their exclusives and this is where Nintendo delivers enough to make it worth picking up later in its life.

Think about it this way - if PS3 or 360 didn't have exclusives, what would be the point of both of those consoles? Not much point. Ask anyone today if they care if SNES or Genesis was more powerful. They would tell you that it didn't really matter, but could list many games they loved on those consoles. 

I get the feeling the people who are going to be skipping the Wii U wouldn't have bought it even if it was 10x more powerful than PS3/360 because they just aren't interested in Nintendo's games. And honestly Metro Last Light, by virtue of being an relatively unknown franchise for console gamers and by focusing entirely on a single-player experience (unlike Halo 4 or COD games), is best played with on the PC with a mouse and a keyboard to begin with. It probably would have flopped in sales on the Wii U in the first place given that it sold a miniscule 450K units on the Xbox 360 by today.