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Ok, here is the thread I meant for this to be in.

Kind of funny to see the shift in some Nintendo fans. From some saying the Wii U will be quite a bit more powerful than the PS3 and pump out visuals closer to the PS4 than the Wii did to the PS3, to now saying its just the games that count. And they are right, games are very important. But, how many 3rd party games are you going to be getting once the PS4/NeXbox launch and developers are spending even more money on developing for them, so much so that they probably will be thinking real hard when they decide to allocate funds to create an entire new game for the Wii U. Now they may for the first year or so, since the PS3 and 360 will still be selling, but once that's over...? And the tablet controller doesn't seem like its going to be taking the world by storm like the original Wii controller did.

Having said that, I don't think the Wii U will do horrible saleswise by any means. However, I don't see it dominating next gen like the Wii did this gen.