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ethomaz said:

selnor said: 

Technologically speaking, Halo 4 doesn't put a foot wrong throughout the entire eight to nine hour campaign. The enhancements to modelling, lighting and environments are beautiful and play host to some of the most epic gunplay we've experienced on a home console title.

In an era where the likes of Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica have defined the graphical state-of-the-art with Uncharted and God of War, Xbox 360 finally has its own shot at the title - and it's a genuinely worthwhile, lavish and occasionally even breathtaking experience.

Read it again and its still plain as day.

So I have reading comprehension problems because I really think DF is saying finally 360 have you own state-of-the-art game but in I can't found when the article says Halo 4 is the best graphics on consoles because the article seems to say Uncharted 3 and God of War III is yet the graphics king.

DF never said what you think they said.

Either your reading of english is terrible or you are purposely acting dumb.

In an era where GOW and Uncharted defined the graphical state of the art. Xbox 360 finally has its own shot. In english tis means Halo 4 which the article is discussing has a shot at defining what state of the art geaphics are now. The english used by DF is perfect. And cannot mean anything else. 

I swear you and Aldro have a huge complex about PS3 not being more powerful. 

Its very clear. Clear as day. DF could not make it more clear.