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Innovation is less about inception, and more about implementation. Having the idea is not the same as making that idea work. Edison didn't make electricity, but he made it a cornerstone of modern life. The Wright brothers didn't invent flight, or even the idea of powered flight, but they were the ones to bring it to life. James Watt didn't invent the steam engine, but he made it viable. Which ushered in the Industrial Revolution.

The point I am driving at is this. For right or wrong those who fail aren't entitled to a share of the acclaim. There are a lot of people that tried to create electrical lighting, and they probably did a fairly good job at illustrating how not to do it, but we don't know them. Just as we don't know the names of the guys who plummeted to their deaths trying to fly off the tops of cliffs, or the guys that got blown up tinkering with steam engines. You can make a case that they deserve props for their pioneering spirits, but the acclaim is truly deserved by those who actually made the ideas work.

That said Nintendo deserved the acclaim it got for the motion control it put in the Wii. Even if others had the idea, or even implemented it to some extent. Nintendo were the guys who made it work. So they deserve to be called the innovators. Now as for what the Wii U offers. I am going to say that Nintendo isn't the innovator in this case. I am probably going to get tarred and feathered for saying so, but I think it is pretty evident that a large number of consumers did use the PSP/PS3 cross connectivity feature. So it should be said that Sony did make it into a really affective feature. It wasn't overwhelmingly popular, but it was well received, and before anyone calls bullshit on me for saying so. Think long and hard about who is saying this.

As for the whole multitasking thing. Nintendo isn't innovating there either. We have had gaming machines that have been able to do this for a couple decades, and yes they could be connected to televisions. They are called personal computers. When I played a lot of persistent world games many years ago. I routinely played with others that were using televisions as their monitors.

Anyway inventor, originator, and innovator are rarely synonymous.