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Cobretti2 said:
runqvist said:

It is just your intepretation that they were talking just about clock speeds and even if they were, it is just a powerpc cpu. Just like the one in 360, with slight modifications and slower clock speeds,

That other part of your post is just bullshit. Care to tell me which athlon 64 is "much faster" than any i7? No, wait. Tell me one that is even faster at all.

The reason I say it is clock speed because the tekken devs said the cpu was slower tha 360/PS3 and siad you cnanot do a striaght port as those consoles relied on the high speed CPUs to compensate for the video card. He also did say they found other ways that are nto avialable on 360/PS3 to d achieve the same end result.

As for your other question.

My Athlon64 was 3.2GHz

when I7 first launched they were as low as 2.67GHz.

Yet which CPU is better? the i7 BLOWS it out of the water.

With WiiU we also knwo the CPU is customised, what does that exactly mean? who knows. Looking at the raw speed it is obvious that it is slower, no one is deniing that. But if the Tekken guys could do things differently by utilising the strengths of WiiU, I don't see why other developers cannot either.

The Wii U CPU die size is IIRC ~33mm^2 It has more in common with that Athlon 64 than it does with that Core i7. You can look at the CPU physically and tell that it is slow simply because it is very small. The PS3 Cell on the same process is 115mm^2 so effectively it is over 3 times the size on the same process. In the end they'll need to rely on GPGPU to make up the difference in compute performance and you have your standard pros/cons on that approach.
