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lolita said:
iclim4 said:

sure they are similar in that definition, but a hug also fits in that category.
i, for example, have a tradition of kissing our elders on the cheek as a sign of respect, and my mom use to kiss me on the lips when i was a small child. going by your analogy ive been molested....

I agree sex is more passionate and romantic than a kiss.
though intercourse is a completely different practice than kissing.

 It's from a different intention to kiss an elder or parents. What I'm comparring is from kissing a lover and having sex with a lover. They're the same. They're both physical ways to show some love, imo.

So hugging someone because you love him/her is the same as kissing that person and then having sex, since its a "physical way to show you love someone"?

why is it then that kisses and hugs have different intentions and sex only has your intention if they are all just an act to show mutual love?
why is it that i can kiss and hug my parents but i cant have sex with them,if i wanted to show them i love them mutually?

do you see where I am getting at?
they might all be similar in your mutual love definition but they are completely different practices..
a hug is different from a kiss, a kiss is different from intercourse, and intercourse is different from a hug.

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