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JTurner82 said:
So this developer's comments is an indication on how third party support will be on WiiU? That it will be another Wii?


When other developers are saying otherwise? Never mind that it is poised to be a hit with Japanese gamers?

Why are we having this discussion again?

Yes it is this developer, but these things have a domino effect (or as Rol put it sheep following the herd). I am sure whatever japanese support has been committed will stay. It is the western developers yet again dismissing a Nintendo platform, no matter what they try and do. 3DS is a good example of that. Outside of japanese developers what are western devs offering? The thing is selling quickly atm yet they sit back and do nothing.

EA for example, at E3 were like HUGE fans of WiiU and praised it to bits. Then we here about this Origin rumor going to WiiU and NIntnedo saying no to EA. Suddenly EA has gone quiet about their full fledged support for the console. Now we will ge tthe sports games as it is part of the licening agreements, but look at Mass Effect 3, totally botched up.

Outside the launch titles what do we really know about the WiiU 3rd party support? Same happend with Wii. There was some great ports at the start RE4, Godfather, both which I htought utilized the wii remote well. But because they didn't sell "well enough" for "new games" on a new system, both capcom and EA decided let us try on rails shooters to test the waters. Ironically enough the best onrails shooter was house of the dead overkill, only because it was setup to be JUST that and funny. It Didn't turn a serious survivoal horror genre into a joke.