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RolStoppable said:

Remove the Gamepad and 1GB reserved for the OS insanities, suddenly you have a reasonably powerful system for a reasonable price, i.e. it would be possibly to hit $/€299 with a game included, plus Nintendo making profit right out of the gate. After the 3DS, this is yet another case where Nintendo drove up the hardware price due to the inclusion of features that don't hold much value; and the price is going to hurt them.

The whole idea that the Wii didn't get quality third party support due to a lack of processing power is inherently flawed. To all those people who in all those years insisted that Nintendo would have gotten ports, if their hardware was in the same ballpark as the 360 and PS3, what do you say now? This isn't about Metro, but all those other games that won't be coming.

RolStoppable said:
Was the Wii U launch really that big of a success? Probably not, and the timing of this announcement was planned well ahead.

The biggest failure of the Wii U is that it costs so much due to an attempt to cater to third parties, based on the belief that it was power that prevented the Wii from getting quality third party support. That's what pisses me off the most, that I have to pay more for a console due to games that either I didn't want or wouldn't be coming to the Nintendo console anyway.

How exactly do these two points reconcile?  I don't think I saw third parties clammoring for the gamepad or whatever the hell Nintendo is using that extra GB of ram for.  If they had catered to third parties it would have been more powerful and had the pro controller as the standard.