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Eomund said:
Then you must ban me. I cannot and will not retract what I know to the be the truth. Islam is a gutter religion if they cannot and will not discipline and rebuke those who ferment terror and torture. Everyone knows this to be the truth. How many Islamic Nations support terrorism? How intolerant is terrorism?

A muslim is instructed to do one of three things when he meets a stranger. Convert him, Enslave him, or kill him. There is no more intolerant religion than that. End of story. Good bye for a while guys.

Eomund I have met many muslims I have never been enslaved, killed, or converted. In fact I am willing to bet that most muslims do not do that. Aside from the fact that when you can quote teh Qu'Ran as easily and comfortably as you can the Bible then maybe you can say that about another religion and actually defend yourself.

 How many muslim states support terrorism? There are groups that go unchecked  and there is plenty of anger in the mid east at the moment.I honestly do not know how many actually do. How many Israeli politicians support terrorism? Some do I do not say that Israel does nor would I say the residents do either and especially wouldn't say that the Jewish religon supports terrorism. Yet Netanyahu celebrated the 50th anniversity of the bombing of the Palestine Hotel and the blowing up the British Embassy in 1998.