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@Eomund, you do realize the inheirant irony in your statement. You show no respect for other religions, yet expect it for your own. Terrorism has nothing to do with religion, if there were no religions, would there be no terrorists.....of course there would still be terrorists.

And if you're going to focus on Islamic countries who currently do horrible things, you might want to open your eyes, and take a look closer to your own religion:

-The Nazi's were Christians
-The church never publically opposed Hitler's actions during WWII, probably not wanting to lose their newly formed soverign nation
-Where did the slave trade as it affected North America start? Yes, Christian European nations
-Do I even need to mention the Crusades....
-I could go on for quite awhile

My point is, don't turn your nose up and claim that Christians can take the moral high ground, because it's simply not the case. All of the major religions have dirty points in their history.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.