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The term "better" games is unique for every person. I said that 3DS has better games, because that is my opinion and response to the OP. Others can respond to the OP and say that they WOULD by a Vita because the games are "better", and that's equally valid but there is no point in disputing my opinion, as it's subjective. There is definitely also no point in disputing that there are more games for 3DS. It's been out longer, and it has over 200 more games than the PSV. It's not even close. The 3DS is also getting better 3rd party support (at least in Japan), with games like Layton, Monster Hunter, Square Enix games, etc. As it's install base grows dramatically larger than the PSV, this trend will likely become more pronounced.

Again, I have no intention of buying either handheld, but if I did Vita's price would deter me, it's extra bells and whistles wouldn't entice me, and there is a better, cheaper option in my opinion. Also, I think there is a legitimate risk of it being abandoned after another year. Its sales are dismal.