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dahuman said:
VGKing said:
dahuman said:
VGKing said:
Mr Khan said:
VGKing said:
aikohualda said:
YESSSSSSSSSSSS cause power = sales... oh wait...

The more power a console has, the more games can be made for it. The more games are made for it, the more people buy the Wii U. So yes, in a way power = sales.

Power was a huge limiting factor for the original Wii, it will be the same for the Wii U once Xbox 720 and PS4 release.

It won't be anywhere near as big an issue. The feature-set was the bigger gap problem between Wii and PS360, with things like TEV vs Programmable shaders, or many other features that were missing (Normal Mapping wasn't even standard). Also PS3 and 360 had about 6x as much RAM as Wii. Orbis/Durango would have to have 12 GB of unified RAM to create a gap that big, on raw numbers alone. We're looking at somewhere on the order of 2-4x, with processors that are likely to be much more similar.

Likely what you'll end up with is the difference between games running on min/max settings.

Yeah, processors will likely be very similar but that's only because processors haven't really advanced that much. There aren't that many options to pick from, and they can't continue using the Cell.

If next-gen games run on "minimum settings" on a Wii U, and "maximum" on a PS4/720, that would be amazing for everyone. That's just a best case scenario though. If a next-gen game can run on a Wii U, couldn't it also run on a PS3 or 360 as well? I think it all depends if developers put in the work, and that depends on how well these launch games sell and how well the Wii U itself sells.

That's why 3rd party devs are building scalable engines now, it's almost like buying a PC in a way. Options options, dedicated by hardware specs.

True, but it will come down to more than just if a game can run on a Wii will come down to if there is an audience for it.
The big next-gen engine will be Unreal Engine 4. If Wii U can somehow manage to run that I think Nintendo will be in a good posistion.

Yeah, I'm just gonna say that I'm not worried about it and it's a good thing that I don't care about UE on consoles cause it makes me wanna puke. If you want a real UE, you stick to PC, you always stick to PC for that.

I got a gaming PC last year. Don't use it though. Prefer console gaming.