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Darc Requiem said:
VGKing said:
z101 said:
Turkish said:
Heavenly_King said:

You have to update the WiiU ram.   According to neogaf it is not even 17gb/s, it is.......12.8gb/s

Damn, updating now. Thanks for notifying.

Because someone on the internet said it, it must be true ...

Surely you people should wait when real technical specs roll in, not just a lonely number.

And the headline is false at all, because the eDRAM is also RAM and much more and faster than on any console before.

Then we would be waiting forever. There's a reason Nintendo hasn't(and won't) reveal specs. The system is way too underpowered to be a next-gen system. This just wont' get good 3rd party support. The ports it already had are horrible.

The PS3 is still getting terrible ports but I always see posters complain about lazy devs. You can't have it both ways guys.

It's not really about lazy devs, its about lead platforms and time constraints. The Xbox 360 is usually used as the lead platform to develop games(since its easier). This is why we have games like Call of Duty and Skyrim having more issues on PS3.

The same is happening with Wii U, but Wii U isn't even 2nd thought, its 3rd. Wii U versions of games will be the least optimized and will run worst. This late in the gen, I doubt any 3rd parties would want to pay any special attention to the Wi U versions of Black Ops 2/Mass Effect 3/...etc. In fact it's lucky that its getting them at all....

This is why I always laugh when I hear people wanting Grand Theft Auto V on Wii U. It's just not going to happen. A game that big and that complex would be hell to port over to a new console. Hell, even PC is being left out for launch...