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Sales Discussion - The PS720 - View Post

Played_Out said:
That Guy said:
why not just make a PSWii720? PS3 Hardware, MS software? Nintendo Controls

'Cause then we'd be stuck with a console that is difficult to program for, has buggy software and comes bundled with a novelty controller that is severely deficient for playing most types of games.

And what dude17761991hatp said



Wow, I think what some people are overlooking is that the Usage of C++ or whatever its called for the PS3 only exists, because they do not want to pay microsoft for software development.

The Hardware of the PS3 is great.  The cell doesn't necessarilly have to be hard to program for, does it?

Its just that Sony has made it that way.  But regarding this fact, I think it is almost a good thing.  The Sony PS3 is a home entertainment console, and  the 360 is a pc in front of a tv ..   IMO


but @OP , yeah it would be cool if they combined, and that one system reeped the benefits from both companies. But as it has been suggested, that would open the door for another console.

 It must be assumed that even without a merger, another company will enter the market. And we have had numersous discussions about which company would be able to do it, (google/apple/toshiba/samsung/EA) but the real question I have is will it be another HD console, or would it be the equivilant of the next Nintendo console.

Then each side of the home video game sonsole would be divided into two consoles.

High cost/technicaly advanced  Sony and Microsoft     and

Mass market/ comparatively low price/ new ideas   Nintendo ,   and  .........

These are the questions we must ask! 


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