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Hostess Blames Union For Bankruptcy After Tripling CEO’s Pay


anyone that thinks corporations will treat workers fairly in a unionless economy is fooling themselves.  i'm not saying corporations are evil.  i'm not saying union are faultless.  i'm saying any entity left uncheck will better their own situation at the expense of others.  the unions are needed in many places because of the massivly loopsided power dynamic between a multi billion dollar corporation and a single employee. the whole "absolute power corupts absolutly" phrase is applicable.

free markets ought to level the playing field (allowing employees to seek alternative employment in bad conditions) but with the corporate consolidation that has been occuring in the last 10 years or so we're not exactly a free market anymore.  too many industries have too few players to have a truely free market place. either we strenghen unions or dismantle large corporations.   while i'd personally prefer the latter (especially after the "too big to fail" bank disaster) we certainly can't come in an dismantle all unions.  not if you want to live a good life.