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1) Well, I can only tell you what I saw in that video but the only difference I noticed was that there were birds in the Wii U version and the Wii U version looked less muddy. I am definitely honest here because at first I thought I was looking at the PS3/360 version there, looked at the other one and thought... "great, the one down there looks way better. Another lazy port" Was the other one from PS3? I thought PS3 games always looked bad when recorded for some reason?

2) ethomaz: What about the framerate? Is it really "closer to 30fps" or is it just 30fps in some cut-scenes or something? You just made a huge fuzz about some shadows people won't even notice while playing multiplayer. And where are you getting your information from? Did you actually play the game? From what I've read here some people say the Wii U version looks better while others say it looks worse so basically we don't know jack...

I'm a PS3 owner and I absolutely hate it when people compare the PS3/360 versions of a game because they act like the 360 version is so much better every time and most times I play a game on both consoles I can't tell any difference.

3) If this game is on par with the other versions it should be fine. Developers are just porting these launch games why do people expect them to look better? They won't put any effort into it there are no great sales to be expected at launch. Anyone remember Call of Duty 3? The Wii version almost looked as good as the HD versions (just in SD)... So I guess PS3/360 are roughly 2x as powerful as the Wii because CoD 3 proves it... Also, you shouldn't buy a Wii U for the graphics... stop acting like you actually expected the Wii U to be a beast or a high end machine. That's not what you buy Nintendo consoles for. Just... stop pretending. It's stupid.