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It just seems to me that if many Christians weren't raised Christian and you told them the stories of Christianity, they would seem as strange as the viking or greek gods seem to us. Instead though, Christians look at every other religion and say how crazy and wrong they are when Christianity itself has just as many crazy sounding parts to it (talking snakes, giant boats filled with every animal in the world, people rising from the dead, etc, etc). The point is, every religious person believes their religion is the right religion and believes this because their religion says it's the right religion. You can argue all the details for why this or that part of the Bible could be true, but in the end Christianity is really no different than any other religion that's ever existed.

The whole point of religion itself is making people feel comfortable. It comforts them to know that the bad get what they deserve, that there's something after death for them and their loved ones, that they are loved unconditionally, that they have answers for all the big questions about personal and universal existence. To question these beliefs is a very uncomfortable thing to do, and I fully expect caution, wariness and even anger towards people who suggest otherwise.

I'm not claiming religion is bad, or that no one should believe in a God or anything like that. I write this with no hostility towards any person or any group. I'm just saying to view things critically with an open mind. Myself, I'm agnostic. The way I see it, you've got the atheists over here yelling how they're certain there isn't a God, then you have the religious people over here yelling how they're certain there is, when if fact nobody has any idea at all.