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F0X said:
HoloDust said:

In terms of IPs they have to offer to "hardcore" PS360 gamers, I wouldn't say they have (and all 4 titles originally mentioned could be put in that group). That's why I said it would be nice to see some 2nd party developer do it for them, I just made a big lapsus linguae and put Retro instead of Rare.

Better. Now I must wonder about the wisdom of agressively going after the gun simulator crowd (360 gamers) and the interactive movie crowd (PS3 gamers).

Okay, no more joking. You put quotation marks around "hardcore", so I feel compelled to take you more seriously. Now, Retro Studios would be a fine candidate for making games for people who don't normally like games Nintendo, but they've positioned themselves as a developer existing only to please Nintendo diehards. The solution might be to buy some talented studios... or do what Microsoft and Sony has done - cultivate partnerships with third-parties. It's something Nintendo has been doing more of lately, and it's a trend that needs to continue. Every deal is a blow to a competition, and a potential wave of "hardcore" cash. I don't think there's anything Nintendo can do to become the patron saint of dedicated gamerdom at this point, but chipping away at the issue is better than avoiding it.

LOL, yeah, I always do, it's such a stupid term, but for the sake of easier conversation I use both "hardcore" and "casual" (always with quotations off course).

As for going after PS360 crowd (though I disagree with your classification of them), if Nintendo is really serious about it, buying some studios or making new ones that will develop some big new IP that is more in line with PS360 1st and 2nd party offerings would be, in my opinion, necessary move - relying solely on 3rd parties to make WiiU appealing to "hardcore" can go only so far, specially since future multiplats will look better on NextBox/PS4, and we all know how most of "hardcore" feel about "graphix". Does Ninty really needs this I can't say, but it seems they feel they do, so havind something like N64 Golden Eye again would be nice to see after so many years.