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Batman Arkham City Armored Edition

IGN: 9.5

The review explains why and its because it is one of the best games released to date and not anything specific to the Wii U. If anything the Wii U Gamepad gimmicks harm the experience (in some cases) more than they help.

I expect Batman will get the recognition and love it has earned in reviews across the board and will likely be the highest reviewed Wii U launch game even after more game reviews come in.

Darksiders II

IGN: 7.5

Unfortunately, Darksiders II while appealing for Adventure game fans due to scale and Zelda inspired roots from first game clearly shows that too big, too much loot/grinding is just not good game design for wide range of gamers. Contrast this to Borderlands 2 which is also all about loot but people don't mind it as much in that game. I think the game is attracting Adventure game fans and then giving them loot/grind gameplay which is enjoyed by a very different segment of gamer (such as the ones enjoying Diablo 3 or Borderlands 2). The few cross-over fans thoroughly enjoy it.

Either that... or the loot/grind stuff in Darksiders 2 is just not that well designed/implemented/executed.