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the2real4mafol said:

But why do you compare Brits to nazis, thats unfair. We may have repressed people in our colonies, but we never systematically killed people in mass like them. The nazis are on new heights when it came to doing horrid and unforgivable things to other races. They worked people into the ground, gassed them, burned them, starved them, done whatever they could to make their victims feel completely worthless. We brits never were anywhere near that bad, the slaves had it way better than the victims of the holocaust.

It's not about Britian per se, it's about colonial empires in general, British Empire just being the prime example among them. Goebbels admitted that they've learned a lot from their "British friends" and perfected it, like gas chambers and concentration camps used in Kenya. The whole idea of untermenschen and utter racism has been idee fixe for a whole generation of British theorists of colonialism, who proclaimed Britain as a leading force of the civilization (even famous Mackinder wasn't free of that). The saving grace for British in that regard probably was lack of technological advancement at the time, which prevented from maintaining highly effective death factories (hence "never were that bad") and lack of "marketing" of wrongdoings with photo- and film materials, plus the fact they never practiced this kind of atrocities in Europe. Of course, to a degree every colonial empire including even the US is guilty of this kind of things (hence the term "white man guilt"), but it's no surprise that I mentioned British Empire specifically.

So the idea is not who killed more, but substantial things like mentioned in my point #2. Americans might have already overcome your "score" by their drone attacks on yet another village by accident, but they do not practice purpsoeful genocide approvied by high authorities, like Britain did here and there.

Bonus: British have invaded nine out of ten countries :D

It should be noted that Britain was invaded, too. Three times AFAIR, out of which two were successful.